Sunday, December 25, 2016


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you are having a happy and healthy holiday season.  In my last post I said I would give more information about the Endometriosis Laparoscopic surgery.  Getting this surgery is the only way to officially diagnose Endometriosis. I got the surgery almost a year ago now at Boston Children's Hospital.  Before the surgery, I was in so much pain everyday, now after the surgery, I only have a few days a month where I am in a lot of pain.  It is an easy surgery.  It is same day surgery, so you can go home a couple hours after it is done.  The doctors make two small 5 millimeter incisions.  One inside the bellybutton and the other just below the abdomen. The incisions leave a small scar, but nothing extremely noticeable.  The recovery only takes about three to four days, maybe longer depending on the person.  The second day I was in a lot of pain from the doctors probing the inside of my stomach.  Also when they do this surgery, the doctors pump your stomach with gas in order to see inside more clearly.  For females, in order for the gas to release, it has to travel up through your body and is released through the shoulders.  I would not say this part is painful, but it is definitely uncomfortable. Overall, the surgery helped my pain so much!  I one hundred percent would recommend getting it. The doctors were able to find a lot of Endo, then they were able to get rid of it.  Just remember, this surgery is not a cure, but it is the closest to a cure so far.  If you have anymore questions, feel free to leave them in the comments.  I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and remember, Endo is NOT the end!!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions About Endo

Q: Why have I never heard about Endometriosis?
A: Endometriosis is a disease that effects 10% of women, but no one seems to talk about it. The truth is, there is not a lot of information about this disease but researchers are working, as you are reading this, to find an answer.

Q: How much does it hurt?
A: There is no way to describe the pain we are in everyday.  There is no way for anyone to understand what we go through and that is why people need to start talking about it more.

Q: Is there a cure for Endometriosis?
A: At the present time, there is no cure for Endo but there are long term treatments such as the birth control pill.  This pill does not take away the pain, but it regulates it so it is not as bad as it could be.

Q: Can't you just get out of your bed?
A: The truth is, some days I cannot and that is just the reality of having Endo. Some days are worse than others and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Q: Will it get better?
A: Although I want to say yes to this question, I can't.  It probably will not get better and that is just something I have to live with.

Q: Why does it look like you are fine?
A: Endometriosis is an "invisible" disease meaning women who have it tend not to show how they are really feeling on the inside.

Q: How can I learn more about Endometriosis?
A: I have useful links down below that you can click on to read.

Q: How do you handle the pain?
A: It is really hard most of the time, but I try my best to do everything I can.  The thing that helps me the most is lying down and using my heating pad. If you have Endo, a heating pad is an essential item.

Q: What are the symptoms of Endometriosis?
A: The main symptom of Endo is pelvic pain, typically during a woman's menstrual cycle. There are other symptoms as well such as headaches, fatigue, body aches, etc.

Q: Would you recommend the Laparoscopic surgery? 
A: I would 100% recommend the surgery. Although it does not cure Endo, it helps immensely. It is an easy same day surgery and a short recovery. So if you have Endo and have not gotten this surgery, I would definitely research it.  I will be making a post about it soon so  I can share more information about it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Ladies, Don't Let Endo Ruin Your Holiday Season

So, the holidays are coming up as you all know, this can be some of the hardest times to have Endo. Everyone is suppose to be happy and joyous but how are you supposed to do that if you have pain all the time? At least for me, my pain always comes at the absolute worst times and I just have to push through. During the holidays is one of  those times. I remember last year during the holidays, before I was diagnosed, I had a miserable time. My family celebrates Christmas and it is my favorite time of the year! Listening to Christmas music, driving around looking at lights, going ice skating, going shopping for gifts, ecetera are things I love to do. This season only comes one time a year and when you're in pain, you just feel like it's ruined. But don't worry ladies, even if you're in pain, you can still have fun during the holiday season. Here are some tips: don't go overboard with the sweets. The sugar can cause inflammation which might cause you're Endo to start hurting. Wear comfortable clothing so there's nothing pressing up against your stomach causing it to hurt. Finally, distract yourself by having fun with your family and friends. Don't ruin your holiday season by thinking you cannot leave the house. I hope you all have a happy and healthy holiday season! Thank you for reading and remember, Endo is NOT the end!