Saturday, June 20, 2020


“From the time I got my period at the age of 12, everything was normal. I’d have regular periods with hardly any pain or discomfort but life was normal. In June of 2011 at the age of 19, I started experiencing extremely irregular, heavy periods. Over the next few months, they became even more irregular. I experienced sometimes 3 weeks of continuous bleeding and excruciating pain followed by a few days of relief and then it would begin all over again. After the 3rd time in less than a month, I approached my mom who is a nurse, and told her what was happening to me. She suggested we go to my family doctor. From there began 7 years of frequent visits to the doctor with the same complaints- excessive bleeding and debilitating pain. Countless ultrasounds and scans later, not a single thing showed up beside a few cysts here and there. She tried multiple different forms of birth control in an effort to stop the bleeding and give my body a chance to rest. With all the different changes also came many side effects. Dizziness, fatigue, fainting spells, nausea, hair name it. 7 years of speculations later, we decided to get a second opinion in the fall of 2017 when my illness was getting to an all-time low. I spent countless days calling out of work and laying in bed. After 3 months off of work and multiple ER trips with the same result, “everything looks good. Maybe just a rupture” MRI, CT, and ultrasound scans. My new doctor suggested a laparoscopy. In March of 2018, I had my first laparoscopy where they found endometriosis as well as a deviated septum. I had about a year of relief before things started going downhill again at the beginning of this year. Two trips to the ER later only more excruciating pain than ever before. I was prescribed Orissa but after doing my research have since stopped. I’ve now been bedridden for weeks at a time between Feb and present-day and awaiting my second laparoscopic procedure. I currently have lost muscle strength in both of my legs from being bedridden and am struggling to live even simple quarantine life with severe bleeding, back, and muscle pain. Life has and will never be the same before endometriosis took over and affected my ability to do the most mundane tasks. don’t stop asking questions and demanding answers. Only you know how you feel.” - Amrita 

Instagram: @ritzvn

Thank you so much for sharing your story, Amrita! You are so inspiring to the Endo community! Please feel free to reach out to me on my Instagram (@endoisnottheendblog) if you want to share YOUR Endo story on my platform! 

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