This blog is mainly for people suffering from Endometriosis, but anyone is welcome to read it if you would like to become better educated! My goal is to spread more awareness about Endometriosis because it is known as "the most common disease you've never heard of." Help me out by reading my blog and letting me know what you think!
Sunday, July 19, 2020
BOOK REVIEW: Living with Endometriosis by Samantha Bowick
Sunday, July 5, 2020
“Hi I'm Ellie, I'm 24. I was 12 years old when I started my period and 13 years old when I started on the pill. For me starting the pill was because my periods made me pass out in pain. So to start the pill was such a relief. Yet regardless of the pill, my story didn't end. Unfortunately, due to other health conditions, my concerns for my abdominal pain was never in the limelight. As a result, it was only at age 21 where I learned about endometriosis. Despite all my symptoms. Fast forward and I still have a journey to go down with endometriosis. Though the relief to know what it is, is amazing! I'm no longer on the pill. However, that has meant a year of bleeding - For example, I have spent the last 2 months with only 3 days where I wasn't bleeding (and heavily). I even ended up in A&E as a result. Due to everything I have been through and are going through. I find it immensely important to spread the word. Endometriosis is 1 in 10. Yet in the medical world, it still falls through the cracks. But I will fight until our voices for endometriosis are heard and the help we need is found!” -Chronic Illness Blogger
Instagram: @lloydielife
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Chronic Illness Blogger!