Saturday, January 16, 2021

How to Study with Chronic Pain

Since school is starting back up again after winter break, I thought I'd share some of my favorite strategies I use when studying/doing school with endometriosis/chronic pain. Studying seems like such a simple thing, but it's just another thing made harder by endo and the pain that comes with it. Comfort is always my top priority because it is something I can control to make myself feel my best, so I hope these strategies help you!
  1.  Find a comfortable seat- I find that a seat cushion helps me a lot and it's okay to sit in your bed if you have to
  2. Take breaks when you need them
  3. Sit with your heating pad on (this is something I do all the time)
  4. Get up and walk around to loosen things up
  5. Start studying several days before the test in case you have a flare the day before
  6. Wear comfortable clothes (leggings are seriously my best friend)
  7. Drink plenty of water
  8. Prop your laptop/books up so you're not hunching over your desk
  9. Make a comfortable study space in your room if you're not feeling well enough to make it to the library or another building 
  10. If you think it's necessary, talk to your teachers and/or the accommodations office if you need extra time or any another accommodations because of your chronic pain 
  11. Try all your favorite pain coping strategies while studying 
  12. Finally, don't be too hard on yourself!

Textbooks - Mandl School: The College of Allied Health

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