Friday, June 18, 2021


Today I'm going to spread some light on another disease that often comes hand-in-hand with endometriosis. Patients are often misdiagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, when they actually have endometriosis because they have similar symptoms. However, this is another factor that contributes to the prolonging of finally getting an endometriosis diagnosis. So, what is IBS?


"Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. Signs and symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. IBS is a chronic condition that you'll need to manage long-term."


  • Abdominal pain
  • Cramping 
  • Bloating
  • Increased gas
  • Changes in appearance to bowel movement
  • Changes in how often one has a bowel movement 
  • Weight loss diarrhea

  • Muscle contractions in the intestine 
  • Abnormalities to the nerves that help with digestion 
  • Severe infection
  • Early life stress
  • Changes in gut microbes 
  • Certain foods such as dairy products 
  • Stress
Risk Factors:
  • Young 
  • Female
  • Family history with IBS
  • Have anxiety, depression, or other mental health-related problems

IBS is a chronic condition that cannot be cured, very similar to endo. 

  • Diet changes 
  • Medications
  • Therapies 

Follow me on social media!
Instagram: @endoisnottheend
Twitter: @endoisnothend
Facebook: Endo Is Not the End 


    Saturday, June 5, 2021

    How To Be a Good Advocate on Social Media (And Make Meaningful Connections to Your Audience)

     If there is one thing the world always needs more of, it's advocates. No matter the issue, meaningful work, and change simply don't get done without advocates and people pushing for that change to happen. About five years ago, with the persuasion of my family, I started this blog. It is the best thing that could have ever come out of being diagnosed with endometriosis because now I get to share my experience and knowledge with all of you! Some of you may want to do the same thing, but don't know how to start, which is why today I'm sharing tips on how to be a good advocate on social media while also making meaningful connections with your audience! 

    1. Post either daily or as much as possible: The algorithms on social media are weird, but the more you post, the more it will spread your posts to a wider audience.
    2. Use relevant hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to spread your posts to a wider audience that maybe wouldn't have seen it otherwise since they don't follow you. 
    3. Follow other accounts that post similar things as you: If you follow other similar accounts, you can help grow both audiences and reach more people with your advocacy.
    4. Share what you believe: As someone with a chronic illness trying to spread awareness about it, I have always found it important to share my own truth and lived experience. A lot of social media is fake and many people only share the good moments, but I like to show the good, the bad, and everything in between because there is a huge spectrum when living with a chronic illness. 
    5. Use all forms of social media to spread your message: I use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and this blog to spread my message. I find that this way I can reach different demographics and age groups. Along with this, use all the media forms within each app. For example, on Instagram, I do regular posts, stories, reels, and videos to get my voice out there. 
    6. Show your personality through your posts: You don't want your audience to find the information you're sharing to be boring, so put your own voice into it and make it interesting! 
    7. Similar to #6, use plain language: You want to get information out to people in an accessible way. Most people aren't going to want to read something that's super sciency and hard to understand. 
    8. BE YOURSELF: You will get people hooked on your posts by being yourself, so don't be afraid to do so!
    If you've been thinking about starting a blog or social media account for something you're passionate about, this is your sign!! These tips don't just apply to chronic illness and health-related topics, you can use them for anything you are passionate about. Social media is such a great place to be able to share what you believe with a large number of people, and who knows, maybe you'll even meet new friends that way because I know I have! 

    Follow me on social media!
    Instagram: @endoisnottheendblog
    Twitter: @endoisnothend
    Facebook: Endo Is Not the End