Thursday, February 24, 2022


 I say this every year, but I can't believe today marks six years since I was diagnosed with endometriosis! It feels like yesterday, but a lifetime ago at the same time. I was getting a little teary-eyed this morning thinking about how far I've come during these last six years. I went from being in debilitating pain and not being able to get out of bed as a 14-year-old freshman in high school to a 20-year-old college junior who is chasing her dreams. My 14-year-old self pre-diagnosis didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I thought that I would always be in intense pain because no medical professional would believe my pain. Fast forward to the present day, I am still singing, have a crazy busy schedule with all my clubs and activities, and I'm doing an internship full-time that I love. I have found a way to manage my pain the best I can through a combination of medication and pelvic floor physical therapy. A lot of people in the chronic illness world like to push either just medication or just holistic forms of treatment, but I believe every single body is different. It's often a combination of the two that work together to help people. 

For years I was only using medication to manage my pain which has been so helpful, but re-starting pelvic floor physical therapy has made all the difference for me. I would say this past year has been the best for me pain-wise. My bad days are far less frequent and I have become very good at pinpointing what is causing my pain and making the proper changes to fix it. Each year I try to learn more and more about my body and why it works the way it does. Able-bodied people don't have to worry about every piece of food they put in their body, every step they take so they don't throw their body out of alignment, or worry about having to cancel plans because they're in so much pain. And yes, that is very frustrating at points, but I'm willing to do all those things to help my body be the best it can be. 

I wanted to share a little update on my health recently. I've been a little frustrated because I have been dealing with incontinence over the last week or so which is something I've never experienced before. It's hard having no control over what your body does, but I have faith that this is just a phase and my body will get back to its normal soon. Other than that, my endo pain hasn't been around as much which is so nice. I'm still dealing with my injured tailbone, but the pain is so much better than it was before. I even met a new friend with endometriosis here at school and we've started talking! It's so nice to have someone who knows exactly what I'm going through in my everyday life!

I'm so proud of myself and what my body has been able to do for me over the last six years. There are many times that I get angry at my body because I feel like it's failing me, but I try to remind myself that it is first and foremost my home, it has stuck with me for twenty years, and it's not going anywhere any time soon. Thank you for coming on this journey with me over the last six years and I look forward to sharing more of my journey with you as time goes on! 

Follow me on social media!

Instagram: @endoisnottheendblog

Twitter: @endoisnothend

Facebook: Endo Is Not the End

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Prioritizing Friends in College (while having a chronic illness)

 I'm happy to report to you that since the last time we spoke, I am doing much better! I have been back on the daily grind of doing my internship, leading my clubs, singing, and spending time with friends. As my college experience is wrapping up shortly (I have less than 3 semesters left, so crazy!), I have made sure I am prioritizing my friendships here more than I ever have. Whether it's sacrificing a few hours of sleep or simply doing homework silently, but in the presence of each other, it's so important to create those bonds. These are the people that always support me when I'm not feeling well and have fun with me when I am. They often have to drag me out of my bed, but I'm always happy they do. Some of my friends and I are even going on a trip in a few weeks which is something I never would have thought of doing a few years ago when my pain was really bad. I want to share some of the things I try to remind myself of when I'm feeling guilty about having fun (even though it's ALWAYS okay to have fun:)

  1. It's okay to lose a few hours of sleep if you're busy having fun and making memories with your friends!
  2. I may not be feeling my best right now, but I know I'll be having fun once I'm with my friends!
  3. College is the time in your life to be prioritizing friendships before you're all off in different places!
  4. It's okay to count spending time together as just being in the same room- you don't need to always be doing something crazy and high energy!
  5. It's OKAY to say yes more to things that aren't school and work-related!!!!!! (I'm definitely still learning this one)
All of these things are easier said than done and it's taken me three years of college to finally let myself have fun. I don't know if it's just me, but I always feel guilty about doing fun things if it's not productive. However, hanging out with your friends is productive and an amazing use of your time because you'll have those bonds and memories to last a lifetime! 

Follow me on social media!

Instagram: @endoisnottheendblog

Twitter: @endoisnothend

Facebook: Endo Is Not the End