Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Ladies, Don't Let Endo Ruin Your Holiday Season

So, the holidays are coming up as you all know, this can be some of the hardest times to have Endo. Everyone is suppose to be happy and joyous but how are you supposed to do that if you have pain all the time? At least for me, my pain always comes at the absolute worst times and I just have to push through. During the holidays is one of  those times. I remember last year during the holidays, before I was diagnosed, I had a miserable time. My family celebrates Christmas and it is my favorite time of the year! Listening to Christmas music, driving around looking at lights, going ice skating, going shopping for gifts, ecetera are things I love to do. This season only comes one time a year and when you're in pain, you just feel like it's ruined. But don't worry ladies, even if you're in pain, you can still have fun during the holiday season. Here are some tips: don't go overboard with the sweets. The sugar can cause inflammation which might cause you're Endo to start hurting. Wear comfortable clothing so there's nothing pressing up against your stomach causing it to hurt. Finally, distract yourself by having fun with your family and friends. Don't ruin your holiday season by thinking you cannot leave the house. I hope you all have a happy and healthy holiday season! Thank you for reading and remember, Endo is NOT the end!

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