Saturday, March 25, 2017


Happy National Endometriosis Day to all the Endo Warriors out there! This month I have worked my hardest to continue to raise awareness for this disease that does not get that much attention.  10% of women suffer from this disease.  This means that, if you have a class of about 400 students and roughly half of them are girls, then 20 girls have this disease...TWENTY!! That's a lot of women that suffer everyday.  Endometriosis is known as the "most common disease that you've never heard of." Why is that? It is because scientists and doctors aren't able to do the correct research they need to do because they don't have the proper funding.  This is why we need to work hard to raise awareness so we women can get some answers!  If you have Endo, you can't sit aside anymore and wait for someone else to do the work for you.  You have to get out there and fight because if you don't, you will never be cured.  The people who don't have Endo, men and women, need support their loved ones that do.  I have been so lucky to have an amazing support system that I can always rely on to make me feel better.  They are always there to help me whenever I need it and I can't thank them enough for that, and they know who they are. I started this blog so I can do my part in raising awareness, but I am one tiny voice in a sea of 176 MILLION women that have this disease worldwide.  I think that's plenty of people to show that this isn't some rare thing.  It's a big thing that needs attention. So please, helping me raise awareness for Endometriosis Awareness Month, and every month after that.  We need answers, we cannot be in debilitating pain everyday of our lives.  Thank you for all the support and remember, Endo is NOT the end!

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