Saturday, October 5, 2019

Endometriosis in College

As some of you know, I began college at the beginning of August and it has probably been the biggest change in my life. Although I love my college and all the friends I have made here, I have been really struggling with my endo pain. It has been as lot worse than it has been in probably over a year now, maybe even close to two years. Going into college, I knew this was a possibility; new food, new environment, new living sitution, etc. However, I didn't think it would be this bad. For about the first month, everything was great. I was acclemating well and really enjoying my time at college. Over the past two weeks, my pain has skyrocketed for some unknown reason and has completely drained me. While trying to navigate my first semester in college, I am also involved in my school's church choir and their all female a cappella group. While I love doing all those things, it means that during my "down time" I am always doing homework and don't get a lot of time to relax, even on the weekends. I have never let endo interfere with my school work (thanks to my parents), so I just have to keep pushing through one day at a time. Even though I have amazing family and friends that always support me, it is still so isolating because I have never met someone my age with endo. Which is especially hard not being in the comfort of my own home. Some things I've been doing to help cope with my pain are using my heating pad a lot, trying to eat as healthy as possible, getting up and moving around as much as I can, getting to bed at a  reasonable time, and knowing my limits. Sometimes I do feel like I'm missing out on fun things my friends are doing, but right now my focus is getting "better" (meaning getting back to where I was before college pain-wise) and listening to what my body is telling me. Luckily, I already had an appointment scheduled with my doctor at Boston Children's for last Thursday, and he said it is likely that I'm just ovulating and my pain should go away soon. If not, I'm going back in two weeks for an ultrasound and another appointment. Hopefully he's right and the pain will go away soon, but for right now it really is agonizing, so I keep trying to remind myself, endo is not the end.

Also if anyone has any tips about coping with chronic pain in college, please let me know!

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