Saturday, March 7, 2020

Myths and Misconceptions

Myth: Endometriosis is just a really heavy period.
Women with Endo may experience a really heavy period, but that is just one of the many symptoms.

Myth: Heavy bleeding means you have Endometriosis.
Again, it could be a sign someone has Endo, but it is not the only reason for heavy bleeding.

Myth: Extreme pain is normal during your period.
Extreme pain is NOT normal during your period, but many women are taught that it is. If you have extreme pain, you might want to talk to your doctor about Endo.

Myth: Young people cannot get Endometriosis.
This is completely false, I was diagnosed with Endo when I was 14. Yes, it is more common in older women, but that doesn't mean younger women can't have it.

Myth: It's all in your head.

Myth: The amount of Endometriosis you have corresponds with your pain level.
This is not true for Endo. Some women can have a lot of Endo but have no pain and are only diagnosed when she starts having infertility issues. On the other hand, one can have only a little bit on Endo and still experience extreme pain.

Myth: Something you did caused your Endometriosis.
Doctors don't know the cause of Endo yet, but they do know it runs in families.

Myth: Endometriosis means you cannot get pregnant.
This is not necessarily true if Endo is caught early enough, women are still able to get pregnant.

Myth: Pregnancy cures Endometriosis.
This is false because there is no cure to Endo. The only thing pregnancy does is eliminate one's period, so that could cause a little less pain than usual.

Myth: Hormonal treatment cures Endometriosis.
Again, there is no cure for Endo, but hormonal medications are used for treatment (meaning they can take away some of the pain, but not all of it).

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